Friday, 29 May 2009


एक खूबसूरत सा लम्हा था
हर तरफ हँसी गूँज रही थी
क्या बताएं की दिल को कितना चैन मिला
उस ख़याल मे भी हमने आँखें मूंद ली थी

ना कोई हाथ थाम रखा था
ना किसीके दामन कि फिकर थी
बस ठंडी हवाओं मे बहते जाना था
छोड़ कर हर परेशानी का ज़िक्र भी

ज़िंदगी की पेशगी थी वो हँसी
उसकी तारीफ मे हम रहते गए
ना अचानक कोई आहट हुई, ना कोई पुकार
हर लम्हे में हम उस लम्हे मे बहते गए

Monday, 11 May 2009

Time Out

There are times you want to talk
There are times when nothing matters
When you can pour out your heart
In hours of relentless chatters

I have lived those days with friends
I have shared enough to know
That all that talk does me no good
Sometimes, I need to just let go

To spend some time alone
The ceiling’s really not that bad
I need to speak to myself as well
Even if it makes me weak and sad

People change with time, its destiny
But I wouldn’t want to change a thing
I should not expect anyone to understand
Why to every sordid memory I must cling

So bear with me even if you don’t get it
Just me be for a while
It’s just a phase, it will soon be over
And I can return to your world with a smile

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


I live my life in stories
I search for the story in you
I put faces to your names
Every detail and all the colours too

I try to feel what you felt
I visualise the red, black or blue
I laugh at your silly pranks
In your pain, my heart sheds a tears few

Once you have told me a story
I hold you in respect anew
I contemplate your comprehension
Before I tell you my story in lieu

But I fail to understand your interruptions
Why do you questions the things I do?
Isn’t this the story that I choose to live?
My story, doesn’t… from yours, take cue

Why can’t I live each day as my own?
Why can’t I fall or celebrate every move new?
Why do I need to bear your opinions?
You wouldn't give up your story for mine, would you?

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Hindi special

I thought it was important to put this on record that all my posts have been in hindi over the past few days simply because Buddy and I have been reading and discussing a lot of Gulzaar sahab's poetry. These are all pieces inspired by Gulzaar sahab. In fact, the poem Ehsaas, is my humble extension to his own work by the same name. All part of an experiment to explore more avenues and find new ways of making sense to myself. The next stop? Putting pen to paper, a brief effort to do the same resulted in disaster and one wasted notebook! Not that I am going to give up.


डूबते सूरज की लौ को देखते हुए
तुम्हारे काँधे पर सर टिकाए हुए
इस जहाँ को बहुत पीछे छोड़ आई थी
वो लौ आज भी कहीं रोशन है

Friday, 1 May 2009


कभी महसूस किया है
अपने हाथों से किसी के हाथ का छूट जाना
साथ मे डूबता हुआ सा दिल
जिसका आँखों मे नमी बन कर उमड़ आना

धीरे धीरे से खिसकते वो हाथ
हर पल मे कितनी यादें लिए जाती हैं
वक़्त है की ठहरता ही नही
उधर जज़्बातों की बाड़ सी आती है

वो उंगलियों का टकराना एक आखरी बार
वो सिहरन, वो उदासी, वो गूँजता सन्नाटा
याद है तुम्हे भी क्या वो हाथों का छूट जाना
और डूबते हुए दिल का आँखों से उमड़ आना